Sunday, February 15, 2009


THE 17th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC PARLIAMENTARY FORUM (APPF) was held on 11-15 January 2009, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR and Indonesia participated with 7 delegates from DPR –RI ( the House of Representatives of RI ) and 5 delegates from the DPD RI ( Senate ) as followed :

1. Hon. Mrs. Maryamah Nugraha , as the head of delegation
2. Hon. Mr. Abdillah Toha
3. H.E. Dr. Laode Ida
4. Hon. Prof. Dr. Mrs. Wila Chandrawila Supriadi
5. Hon. Mr. Pupung Suharis Soegito
6. Hon. Mr. Dr. Hakim Sorimuda Pohan
7. Hon. Mr. Soeharno P.A.
8. Hon. Mr. Abdi Sumaithi
9. Hon. Mr. Nyoman Rudana
10. Hon. Mr. Malik Raden
11. Hon. Mr. Muchtar Naim
12. Hon. Mrs. Nafisah Sahal

13. Mr. Tatang Sutharsa, SH - Secretary
14. Dr. Genius Umar - Secretary
15. Mr. Ibnu Hadi - Advisor

DPD - RI delegates with Laos representative ( 4 th from left)

The Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum Executive Committee Meeting was held on Sunday 11 January 2009. Participants included representatives from the 8 of the 9 Executive Committee member countries, namely: Canada, Chile, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, New Zealand and Singapore.

The meeting was chaired by His Excellency Thongsing Thammavong, President of the APPF and President of the National Assembly of Lao PDR.

The Executive Committee resolved that:

1. The agenda of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, as set out in annex 1 be approved;

2. The Programme of Activities for the 17th Annual Meeting of the Asia- Pacific Parliamentary Forum, as set out in annex 2 be approved;

3. Hon. Dr. Saysomphone Phomvihane, Vice-President of the National Assembly of Lao PDR, and Hon. Dr. Kukeo Akhamontri, Vice-Chair of Foreign Affairs Committee be Vice-Chairs of the plenary sessions;

4. Prof. Dr. Boungnong Boupha, Member of the National Assembly of Lao PDR, be the Chairperson of the Drafting Committee;

5. The report on ARF 2008 will be presented by Singapore during the 2nd Plenary Session on 13th January 2009;

6. The draft resolutions submitted by the national delegations to the 17th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, as set out in annex 3, be approved;

7. The time limits for speakers at the plenary sessions be 7 minutes for speeches and 5 minutes for participants in the open debate;

8. The Drafting Committee be created, and the necessary working groups be set up

9. Singapore host the 18th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum from 17-23 January 2010

10. The question of the enlargement of the APPF Executive Committee’s organization be further considered at the 18th APPF Annual Meeting; the APPF membership, observer status and rules of procedures be discussed on item IV: APPF matters in details later; and the Executive Committee may convene again during the meeting as required.

Cultural night - Welcome dinner


Introduction of delegations
Adoption of decisions of the Executive Committee

I. Economic and Trade Matters ( 4 hrs duration )
1. Global Financial Crisis and APPF Effective Response
2. APEC 2008 in Peru: Report by Peru
3. WTO 2008
4. Sustainable Tourism
5. Energy Security
6. Food Security
7. Others

II. Political and Security Matters ( 3 hrs duration )
1. Review of the Political and Security Situation in the Asia Pacific Region and
in the World
a. ARF 2008 in Singapore : Report by Singapore
b, Peace and Stability in North East Asia
c. Peace and Stability in South East Asia
d. Middle-East Peace Process
e. Cluster Munitions
f. Terrorism

2. Others

III. Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation ( 2 : 30 hrs duration )
1. Parliamentary Capacity Building
2. Handling Climate Change and Environmental Issue
3. Natural Disaster Management
4. Poverty Reduction
5. Gender Issues in Parliament
6. Others

IV. APPF Matters ( 3 hrs duration )
1. APPF in Future (Membership, Observer Status, Rules of Procedures)
2. Date and Venue of APPF’s 18th Annual Meeting
3. Others

Adoption of Resolutions and the Joint Communiqué

With Senator Nyoman Rudana

Monday, February 9, 2009


At the invitation of the Lao National Assembly, the 17th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) was held in Vientiane, the capital of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic from 11-15th January 2009 with participants from 22 member parliaments, 1 observer country (Brunei Darussalam) and 1 special guest (Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)). The list of participants is attached.

The Executive Committee convened its meeting on the 11th January 2009. The report of the Executive Committee meeting is attached. The inaugural ceremony was held on the 12th January 2009. His Excellency Mr. Thongsing Thammavong, President of the 17th APPF and President of the Lao National Assembly delivered the opening speech in which he extended a warm welcome to all participants and declared the 17th Annual Meeting of the APPF officially open.

Honorable Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone, APPF Honorary President’s message was delivered at the Meeting by Mr. Yanagimoto, Acting Head of the Japanese Delegation, and Mr. Lindsay Tisch, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of New Zealand addressed the participants. Opening remarks were also made by Mr. Anders Johnsson, the IPU Secretary General.

Delegations were honored and pleased to have had the opportunity to call on His Excellency Mr. Choummaly Sayasone, President of the Lao PDR, and His Excellency Mr. Bouasone Bouphavanh, Prime Minister of the Lao PDR.

At the plenary session on economic and trade issues, delegates discussed a number of topics and drafted resolutions on overcoming the global financial crisis, n energy security, the world economic situation and raising the level of egotiations of the Doha Round, sustainable tourism, food security, trade and capital flows within the Asia Pacific.

At the plenary session on political and security issues, delegates discussed a number of topics and drafted resolutions on political security in the Asia Pacific region, denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, strengthening of peace and security in South East Asia, cluster munitions, terrorism and the Middle East peace process. The delegation from Singapore presented a report on the recent ASEAN Regional Forum 2008.

At the plenary session on inter-parliamentary cooperation matters, delegates discussed a range of topics and tabled resolutions on parliamentary capacity building, the importance of action in relation to climate change and environmental issues, natural disaster management, poverty reduction and gender issues on parliaments.

At the plenary session on APPF matters, participants discussed a number of specific topics regarding the future of APPF, and agreed to convene the 18th APPF Annual Meeting from 17th – 23rd January, 2010 in Singapore at the invitation of the Parliament of Singapore. The Japanese delegation took the floor and introduced the proposal made by the Honorary President of the APPF, the Honorable Mr. Yasuhiro Nakasone, that the Japanese Diet will host the APPF-20 Annual Meeting in 2012 which will commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the APPF and consider the future role of the APPF.

The 17th Annual Meeting of the APPF adopted 16 resolutions on the aforementioned issues. These resolutions are attached. The meeting thanked the drafting committee for its efforts in developing a package of resolutions and the joint communiqué which represent the meaningful outcome of the meeting.

The 17th Annual Meeting of the APPF expressed its high appreciation andgratitude to the Lao National Assembly for its organization, hospitality and arrangements which made the 17th Annual Meeting of the APPF a success. Special thanks go in particular to His Excellency Mr. Thongsing Thammavong , the President of the 17th Annual Meeting of the APPF and The President of Lao National Assembly, for his excellent guidance, and to the Lao delegation and all the staff of the secretariat for their hard work, thus bringing the current meeting to a successful conclusion


Saturday, January 10, 2009



1. ARF 2008 in Singapore

Participation of Indonesia in many regional organizations would be utilized in order to maintain the Indonesian national interest. Political communication will be enhanced in order the people’ interest reflecting Indonesia participation in such regional and sub regional organization and in exchange to the benefit of the organization concerned for the sake in attaining the necessity of Indonesia.

Hence, Indonesia will utilize to its participation at ASEAN Regional Forum to maintain the sovereign and integrity of the Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia, particularly through increasing proactive action in maintaining the stability and security of Asia Pacific regions at the forum.

2. Review on The Political and Security Situation in the Asia Pasific Region and in the world.

3. Peace and Stability in North Asia

As a peace loving country, Indonesia is opposed any kind of nuclear weapon’s tests and their means of delivery because it violates the Non Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Band Treaty ( CTBT ). Against these background, Indonesia fully supports “the Second Phase of Action for The Implementation of The Joint Statement “ signed by the six parties on October 3, 2007, which aimed at the denuclearization of the North Korea. To achieve this goal, the six Parties and others involved in the North Korean nuclear issue, should build closer international cooperation amongst them.

In addition, the Indonesian government always break through any development and protection of Human Rights in North Korea and request its government to pay attention in international community concerned in relation with the kidnapping foreigners. Therefore Indonesia always push out all parties concerned to accelerate their commitment that has reached as according to the deciding schedules.

4. Peace and Stability in Southeast Asia

a. South Thailand matters

Indonesia considers South Thailand matters as its internal affairs, so that international communities should honor and let Thailand overcome their problems.

b. Border crossing matters between Thai – Cambodia

Indonesia considers that border crossing problems should be solved through bilateral relation and peace approach under the Joint Border Commission and by the Spirit of ASEAN solidarity such as Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.

c. South Philippines Problems

Indonesia wishes to witness the peace and security situation in Southeast Asia and furthermore become the foundation to promote the creation of ASEAN community.

d. Current Political Development in Myanmar

For Indonesia, this Myanmar issue will be focused into three ( 3 ) prospective namely domestic, regional ( ASEAN ) and international which each of them is interrelated. In the context of domestic issue, the current situation in Myanmar is not only have a tendency to democracy crisis and Human Rights issues but also as implication of complex situation which is effecting to poverty crisis, national resilience and conflict among ethnics as well as disintegration threatening.

The solution for Myanmar issues is expedited by Indonesia not only in the framework of bilateral relationship with Myanmar but also in the context of regional / international. Indonesia, along with India, China and other ASEAN countries , through using such as constructive engagement’s approach in this case of Myanmar.

5. Middle East Process

Entering the new year of 2009, Indonesia have still witnessed that the complex situation in the Middle East remains to be an impediment towards the peace process. Indonesia diplomacy and humanitarian aid help Palestinians in their struggle for a separate state and to hold the ongoing Israeli military offensive in Gaza stripes.

Indonesian government issued a statement sent to UN calling on “ Israeli to immediately and its arbitrary use of force which contravenes international law, including the Geneve Convention.”

Therefore Indonesia calls for an immediate end to the grand operation, and asks Israel to do all possible to ensure the protection of civilians and that humanitarians assistance is able to reach those in need. Therefore further Indonesia condemns the Israeli aggression to the Gaza stripes.

Furthermore, Indonesia urges Palestina and Israeli to continuously develop direct and immediate negotiations to solve the existing core issues between the two parties, mediated by the quarter and the international community.

In this regard, Indonesia believes that unity and strong brotherhood of the Palestinians is fundamental to materialize as independent, sovereign State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. Therefore, internal dialogue and negotiation between conflicting parties should be promoted towards national reconciliation.

To this end due to the recent aggression of the Israeli to Gaza Strips of Palestine, the Indonesian Senate of the Republic of Indonesia declared as follows :
In monitoring current situation in Middle East, particularly in Palestine, the Indonesian Senate viewed that :

1. the Israeli’s aggression was human criminal and therefore as evidence to an arrogancy and cruelty of Israeli and his allies.
2. Ignorance of some Middle East countries concerning of genocide.
3. The United Nations is malfunction in maintain sovereign of states and world peace from human criminal in Gaza Strips.

To this end, the Indonesian Senate strongly condemned the aggression of Isreaeli into Palestine and therefore declares as follows :

1. To appeal the government to :
a. Take diplomatic and other steps that urge the cease of the Israel aggression in Palestine either
in short or long term.
b. To enhance the humanitarian aid and deliver the Peace Keeping Corps in Palestine.

2. To appeal the UN to :
a. To stop the Israeli aggression by sending the Peace Corps to Palestine.
b. To ensure the sovereign of the Palestine country and urges Israel to exiles from the
Palestine region.
c. If point a and b cannot be executed, Indonesia must encourage all the peace loving countries to
urgently reformed the UN.

3. To further appeal the countries in the Middle East regions in order to accelerate regional
consolidation to be deliberately proactive involving in the cease of Israeli aggression in

4. To invite the government ( regional and central ) and all communities concerned to accommodate humanitarian support for the victims of Israeli aggression in Palestine.

5. To further appeal the International high Court to bring into court of those who involved in the said crime and give their evidence of responsibility on the case of Palestine aggression.

6. Cluster Munitions

Cluster munitions are the kind of explosive or sub-munitions with round size as an orange or soft drink that can be attracting to children but its explosion capacity maybe totally damaging a run way of airplanes, tanks or even army troops. Therefore the Secretary General of UN mentioned that “ the atrocious, in human efforts to these weapons should be seriously taken care of”. Hence the campaign of this anti weapon would be supported by all civilians in the world. The forbidden issue of this weapon always appears in every agenda topic of Convention of certain Convention Weapons in Geneve last November 2006. Nevertheless, Indonesia is not a part of this convention. Discussion on this cluster weapon failed to reach a success due to resistance coming from some countries such as USA, UK, The Federation of Russia and China.

7. Terrorism : refer to APEC point II 1 e.


1. APEC 2008 in PERU

The result of APEC 2008 from 22 – 23 Nov 2008 with its theme “ A New Commitment to the Asia Pasific Development” has reached the so called APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting Declaration” consists of important issues namely :

a) Global economic situation and WTO Doha Development Agenda negotiations.
b) Promoting Food and Energy Securities.
c) Advancing Regional Integration and proposals for the development of the regional community.
d) Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR )
e) Human securities including counter of Terrorism and Emergency Preparedness, Anti Corruption and Transparency.

In terrorism issue, all leaders emphasize on the APEC commitment relating to the trade in order to enhance welfare and sustainable development in Asia Pacific Regions from any other natural disaster and welcome to joint initiative Australia – Indonesia Facility on Disaster Reduction.

f) Anti corruption Declaration on the Financial Markets.

2. WTO 2008

In general, Indonesia still supports the initiative for continuing Doha Round Meeting. The failure of the Ministerial Level Meeting in July 2008 was a moment for Indonesia to review study in details through the opportunity based on the principle to be defended against further meeting. Indonesia has to review her position maximally regaring her point of view that the international trade is the source of financial development followed could reduce poverty. So that Indonesia can be more proactive in the next Doha Round Development Meeting and therefore such development becomes an important goal.

Part of Indonesia’s strategies are to actively participate at every group such as G -33, Cairo Group, New G – 6 and NAMA ( Non Agricultural Market Access)- 11 reflecting in WTO as the forum to discuss international trade issues for the benefit of Indonesia.

3. Sustainable Tourism.

In Indonesia Development Guidelines 1999, tourism in Indonesia has to be developed through an integrated system, interdisciplinary, participatory approach, using economical and technical criteria, ergonomic, sosio cultural sensitivity, energy saving, nature conservation and minimizing the environmental impact. The old tourism development approach has been changed to increase the welfare of local people participating in tourism.

Based on the fact that opportunity to develop ecotourism as a strategy to build sustainable tourism is huge.

Indonesia considers that ecotourism is a comprehensive tool to conserve biodiversity and to involve local communities and organization in a participatory way to drive maximum benefit in a sustainable way. Ecotourism has a potential to improve the quality of the environment, cultural values, local community prosperity, and the quality of human relations in general.

All the abovementioned hope in regard with sustainable tourism would become reality if the following activities can be focused, accelerated and arrange as :

a. Research and Planning

Actively conducting research to find a simple solution in creating models of ecotourism development.

b. Capacity Building

Improving technical capacity is one of the key of success factors in achieving sustainable tourism management. Empowerment not only be enhanced as local community levelbut more importantly at the level of tourism developers, managers and decision makers. It’s also necessary to build the capacity of ecotourism planning and management by facilitating information access,providing human resources development through training and provide opportunity for internship.

c. Destination Development

Facilitating regional and local partners to develop their areas to become ecotourism destination development becomes a priority. The role of destination development creates a model of ecotourism development which is appropriate for and can accommodate nature conservation, cultural heritage and community participation.

Some example in the development of community based ecotourism in Togean islands, central Sulawesi, Conservation Education based ecotourism in Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java, Ecotourism Development in Betung Kerihun National Park in West Kalimantan, Community based Ecotourism Development in Menoreh and Borobudur, Magelang district – Central Java, Wakatobi, Island for ocean tourism in south east Sulawesi, and West Bali National Park.

d. Marketing

Taking the opportunity to promote ecotourism products, in the form of books, newsletters, policy papers and ecotourism packages. As marketing is one of the biggest obstacles in community based ecotourism development in Indonesia. It needs a coordinating market efforts and supported marketing through its international networking.

e. Monitoring and Evaluation

To guarantee visitors satisfaction, local economic growth, natural resources protection, positive cultural exchange, heritage preservation and community involvement in ecotourism. It needs to develop guidelines to monitoring and evaluation for ecotourism destinations as part of its responsibility to minimize negative impact. For example, monitoring system in Bodogol Conservation Education Center in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, implementing environmental programs in number of hotels in Bali under Bali Focus and supported by Center for Environmental Leadership in Business Conservation International.

4. Food Security

The rising price of the main food supplies has a direct impact on the food sustainability, not only to the importer but also to the producer countries. The rising price of food supply will cause the availability of food supply substantially decrease and purchasing power of the low income societies become very low.

The increasing price of food supplies lately will also be triggered by something in dilemma, there is the arising attention towards climate change leading to bio-energy development. In this case, Indonesia has the capability to maintain the balance of the national food demand and supply, in order to stabilize the national food pricing.

For Indonesia, the main priority is not to decrease the price, but more into stabilizing the food pricing to make it affordable for the low income society. Rational price will be an opportunity, incentive and also a trigger for the farmers to increase the food productivity.

Indonesia considers that farming policy, either at the national or international level should be reorganized. The farming sustainability should be replaced as the center of the national development strategy.

5. Energy Security

The energy crisis faced by a number of countries in the world including Indonesia has caused various socio economy impact especially due to the budget burden bearing the subsidy, either the direct fuel subsidy ( domestic and transportation sectors ) or electricity subsidy due to the dependency to fossil energy at the most of electricity reactors.

Indonesia has very big potential renewable energy. The Indonesia’s geographical and natural resources has made several regions capable in developing renewable energy either in small or bigger scales.

Referring to the unique position of Indonesia as both the energy producer and consumer, in this energy security, Indonesia stresses on the importance of the energy security of supply and continuing flow of supply. For this reason, the increasing oil price occurred lately became the right momentum to develop the renewable energy.

Indonesia considers the importance of energy diversification through the development of renewable energy as a strategic movement in order to maintain the energy supply security. In this case, Indonesia strives to implement the energy mix strategy through increasing the portion of the new energy usage followed by target and certain time period.


1. Legislation

2. Parliamentary Capacity Building

3. Natural Disaster Management

Natural disaster is one of the pressing issues in our region. It inflicts enormous losses in human lives and catastrophic repercussion on economy. No countries is immune to natural disasters, and no single country can cope with disasters by itself. In addition of preparedness, disasters and emergency responses are trans –boundary in nature. This high level of interdependence should therefore be addressed accordingly through collective measures. Every major disasters requires the immediate emergency responses.

The high potency of natural disasters is basically not more than the natural phenomenon that geographically specific for our country. Indonesia is an archipelago where the three largest plates of world meet, there are Indo- Australia plate, Eurasia plate, and Pasific plate. The interaction between these plates will further place Indonesia as the region which has a high activity of volcanoes and earthquakes.

At this point, Indonesia is considered as a potential disaster region. So the understanding and sustainable early disaster management should be developed, in order to enable us loving side by side in harmony with it.

One of the strategies to reduce the loss due to disaster occurrence possibility is by implementing a routine and sustainable mitigation. Mitigation will be more precise and accurate through the risk evaluation approach. Proactive approach to reduce the risk of disasters becomes one of the most important issues of mitigation activities, thatin the end every society is able to adapt with the potential risk of disasters.

There’s the urgency for Indonesia to expedite the birth process of The Disaster Management Act. We monitor that there are many parties that have given input and even assist us in developing the draft of the Bill to the House of Representatives.

Also, the disaster management guidance have been scattered in various international instruments such as Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian / Disaster Relief sponsored by the Red Cross Federation and Red Crescent International and several international NGOs concerning in humanitarian aids.

Beside this, simultaneously, legislatives and executives can ratify the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Therefore, many victims of conflicts and aftermaths in Indonesia often exile and deserted in another country.

Another urgent matter is taking care of the IDPs ( Internally Displaced Persons ) that is outside of the jurisdiction of the 1951 Refugees Convention that only mentions about the inter- country refuge. This IDP issue should be integrated with the Disaster Management Act or a new Act should be developed. The reference will lead to The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement produced by Office for Coordinating of humanitarian Agencies ( OCHA ) of the United Nations in 1998.

4. Poverty Reduction

Indonesia national development process refers to the Millenium Declaration 2000 aims to increase the level of human quality of life in year 2015, especially through global poverty reduction program. The ultimate challenge faced in order to alleviate poverty is the challenge in achieving the reduction target in half of the world poverty society. According to MDGs Report in 2006, total population earn less than USD 1 is 19% from the world population. Comparing to previous years, the number of the poverty societies have been decreased, but total population with extreme poverty has been increased up to 140 millions.

In national level, the government should empower and develop SME (Small Medium Enterprises ) in order to alleviate poverty especially through micro credit financing. In this case, Indonesia should put effort on increasing her role and participation of the developing countries effectively in the decision making in international finance especially in the FID frame. International aid channelled to developing countries for carrying development, is manifested in the form of ODA, elimination or reduction of foreign debt, and increasing capacity. It’s also given through the increasing access towards international money market.

Indonesia should also encourage the donor countries, financial institutions and also the UN so that debt swap for MDGs and debt to equity swap can be accepted widely.

5. Gender Issues in Parliament

As stated by Kofi Annan, former secretary general of the United Nations, the role of women in decision making was central to the advancement of women around the world. As women are effected as any man by the challenges facing humanity in the 21st century, it is therefore, right and indeed, necessary that women should be engaged in decision

Therefore, Indonesia should promote processes to further confine women to play more active role in all aspects of our life, ultimately in state hood and in governance. Attention should be given on how to address women’s under representation in national government around the world, and particularly in the Asia Pacific. Furthermore, we should also promote woman empowerment through adequate and equal access to good education, capacity building and cooperation. Exchange of best practices among our nation is one sure way to achieve it.

Efforts at national levels should be undertake, which includes campaign to increase awareness, policy reforms, improved legislative frameworks and institution development, establishment of national policies an of women strategies for gender equality and regional instruments for the protection of the human right (attached by its paper issued by IPU)


1. APPF Membership
2. APPF Observer Status
3. APPF Rules of Procedures
4. Date and venue of APPF’S18th Annual Meeting
5. Others

Thursday, January 1, 2009


September 23-24, 2008, Ulan bataar, Mongolia

APFFD Mongolia 2008


Earlier prior to the reform, the House of Representatives (DPR RI) was the only legislative institution in Indonesia. However after the third amendment to the 1945 Constitution, there was another institution that came under the name of the House of Regional Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (or DPD).

This is the first time since the inception of DPD RI was established in 2004; the whole 128 representatives were elected directly by the people in the General Election 2004. Every province is therefore represented by four members regardless of the population size of the respective provinces which is totally 32 provinces for the term of membership is 5 years. The existence of DPD RI is expected to be able to bridge the interest for both central and local government as well as to strive for interests and the aspirations of the people in developing and decision making in political agenda as well as in the national development policy. Now, let me explain my views on the topic that I would like to draw entitled “THE REGIONAL AUTONOMY ENTRUSTED TO ACCELERATE IN THE MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS TO BE ACHIEVED BY 2015 THROUGH THE INDONESIAN DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN INDONESIA”

In its Strategic Plan of DPD RI 2004-2009, it has formulated a blue print to make sure that DPD RI as a new institution will achieve its goals, to increase the development of the regions and to strengthen our nation’s democracy, at large with the plan of actions as follows:
1. Regional Autonomy and the Balance of Power between the central and regional governments in the framework of equitable economic development and utilization of natural resources for public prosperity in the regions.
2. Realization of the right of the public in the regions to basic services in education and health
3. Realization of justice, Gender Equality and Social Guarantee for Children’s welfare
4. Protection and promotion of Traditional Rights and Local Culture.
5. Fulfilling and applying Religions Value that can provide answers to problem faced by the nation.
6. Increase the effectiveness of policies to eradicate corruption and reduce Mismanagement of Funds in the state institution.
7. Considerations and Advice to the DPR RI on the drafts State Budget
8. Oversight of the implementation of the State Budget and the State Audit.

It is followed by the already existing the Decentralization as a tool to achieve the above mentioned plan of action.


I convey before the Conference of Women Parliamentarian, the DPD RI’s role is clear to actively involve in bridging between the central and regional government in order to accelerate the development for the people welfare concerned through decentralization and regional autonomy policy. The policy of decentralization and regional autonomy has been implemented since 2001, three years prior to the inception of DPD RI itself. Therefore, I would like to reiterate that decentralization is not the end, but merely a mean to achieve the end.

Nevertheless in achieving and accelerating the development of the people’s welfare in the region once should be delegated clearly the authorities within the Nationals and the regions.


However central government still intend to give such a guidance and an assistance in order to running the roles of respective local government in assigning their duties. The DPD RI always consult and observe every Heads of Region (Governors) concerned to have a serious and truly care, be responsible and determine to sustain their authorities respectively.

National Authority:

1. Foreign Policy
2. Security and Defend
3. Justice
4. National Monetary & fiscal
5. Religion

Local Authority:
1. Education;
2. Health;
3. Public Works;
4. Housing;
5. Landscaping ;
6. Development Planning;
7. Transportation;
8. Environment;
9. Lands Management;
10. Population and Civil Administration;
11. Woman Empowerment & Children Protection;
12. Family Planning & Family Welfare;
13. social;
14. Man Power and Transmigration affairs;
15. Co-operation and Small and middle enterprises;
16. Investment;
17. Culture and Tourism ;
18. Youth and Sport;
19. National Resilience and internal politics affairs ;
20. Regional autonomy, general Government, local finance administration, local government institution, local civil servant administration, & Sandi affairs;
21. Community and Village Development;
22. statistic;
23. Archive Affairs
24. Library;
25. Communication and information;
26. Agricultures and food resilience ;
27. forestry;
28. Energy and mineral resources;
29. Fishery and marine resources;
30. Trading
31. Industry.


Fortunately, with the active participation and oversee the implementation of policy by the executive level, DPD RI succeeded in advising them that for the theme of 2008 Annual Government Work Program is in relation to Goal One of MDGs as its target, entitled ‘Acceleration of economic growth to alleviate poverty and unemployment’ which based on 8 development priorities is determined, namely:
1. Improvement of investment, export and employment opportunities
2. Revitalization agriculture, fishery, forestry and rural community development
3. Acceleration of infrastructure development and energy management
4. Improvement of access and the quality of education and health
5. Improvement of poverty eradication effectiveness
6. Corruption eradication and acceleration of the bureaucracy reform proces
7. Strengthening of the defence capabilities and stabilities of internal security
8. Disaster handling and reduction of disaster risks, as well as the improvement of avian flu alleviation.
In 2000, The Millennium …..saw 189 world leaders agree to a set-time bound and measurable goals and targets relating to poverty. These were named the MDGs. Goal one of MDGs is to halve the number of people living in extreme poverty by 2015. That’s only 8 years away; the time to act is now
Therefore, the 2008 state budget law is always based on the above mentioned priorities, and it would be automatically reflected funding into the achievement of MDGs program in 2015.

The central government budget provides high priority on poverty eradication program, including the fast improvement of the budget of Department of Education, Department of Health and Department of Religious Affairs. With the decentralization, the responsibility on education and health has been delegated to the regional government. This synchronizing politics, programs and allocation of state and regional budget has to be continuously improved to achieve a better and effective development.

From the chart shown on the screen and in achieving the target of MDGs particularly on given agenda MDG 3,4 and 5 have been minimum reached so far. Although in achieving the whole programs of IDGs as well as MDGs will be a tendency to gain a success but DPD RI still faces several problems in making the roles of respective region success in national policy making, which is clearly back up by the relevant regulations. This is because the internal problems are appeared.

Before I conclude my explanation, it is not exaggerate that various innovations implemented by the regions in creating best practices providing prime services and enhancing governments quality. Some regions have implemented e-government into their government public services, thus enhancing efficiency effectiveness and at the same time government transparency. This is the essence of good governance which is the characteristic of a modern government. Good governance must also become the characteristic of regional autonomy of Indonesia.


Furthermore, in implementing policies in enhancing people welfare and infrastructure development, regional government have employed strategies of budget utilisation for correct objective and uses increasing budget allocation for the regions is intended to implement in a consistent purpose to reduce poverty.

As former UN Secretary General Kofi A Annan, message to the Fifth Asian and Pacific Population Conference in Bangkok 2002, quoted as follows:
“The MDGs particularly the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, cannot be achieved if questions of population and reproductive health are not squarely addressed, and that means stronger efforts to promote woman’s right, and greater investment in education and health, including health and family planning”.


Apart from the above explanation to pinpoint that recently, income per capita is increasing annually. In 2004, income per capita reached US$ 1.186 but in 2007 it reached US$ 1.946 or an increase of 64 percent within 3 years. This figure is higher than that achieve before the 1998 economy crisis.

Meanwhile, Indonesia gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007 reached IDR 3.957 Trillion. Which such a GDP, Indonesia is included in the list of 20 countries with the highest GDP. Thus, we have been freed from crisis yet there are still many challenges that we have to deal with ahead. Those achievements encourage us to step toward a glorious future, I suppose.


Once again the task of the DPD RI here is to encourage the relevant qualification authorities and registration bodies to co-operate and work towards a time line and process of deriving mutual acceptance of related qualifications and work experience in order to better facilitate skill exchanges which will improve regional economic prosperity, including acceleration in achieving MDGs.

Thank you for your kind attention and patience to follow this explanation.

To this end, the regional governments are obliged to provide basic services for the people, particularly in education, health and public facilities in accordance with the minimum standard of service. The education budget is annually increased. Furthermore in the budget year 2009, the government is determined to meet the 45% allocation of the state budget for education. The increase of education budget would be realized in the form of more improved and accessible quality and access to education, particularly in the primary and secondary education level.

History shows that great nations are nations which are able to develop their human resources. Human development through education and health is one of the keys elements to achieve those objectives.

Nowadays all regions, whether provinces or regencies/municipalities that have allocated additional fund for School Operational Assistant, so that students are free from all kinds of changes. DPD will act as a bridge to pursue the regional governments to follow the measures of the central government in meeting the constitutional mandate by allocating minimum 20% of their budget for education.

Furthermore, the budget for health and basic infrastructure is continuously improved to provide better quality service and access to the people, particularly in the health sector; the government prioritize basic health service in remote regions by increasing and strengthening Community Health Centre (PUSKESMAS) and integrated Services Units (POSYANDU) as well as providing incentives to doctors and paramedics assigned in those areas.

In another occasion DPD RI can provide input to the regional government while at the same time bridge the gap between the central and the regional governvoments. Thus management of authority and regional finances can truly operate well and be in synergy with the policies of the Central Government pursuant to the regulation in force and in line with the interest of the people whom DPD RI represent, It is by meant that every member of DPD RI represents the people in the regions who directly vested them the mandate to ice their interest.

Mongolia Commitment Statement

Mongolia Commitment Statement
Arising from the
6th Asian Women Parliamentarians’ and Ministers’ Conference on
Financing Millenium Development Goals, with focus on health and gender
We, the parliamentarians and ministers from twenty one countries of Asia and the Pacific, gathered in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, on 23-24 September 2008 to participate in the 6th Asian Women Parliamentarians’ and Ministers’ Conference, in pursuant of our commitment to the timely achievement of the Millenium Development goals, particularly those on health and gender. The outcomes of this regional Forum will be an important contribution to global efforts towards meeting the MDGs in 2015 and particularly in promoting women's empowerment, gender equality and universal access to basic health services, including reproductive health services, in accordance with the Beijing and the Cairo Programmes of Action.

This commitment recognizes that:
 Parliamentarians are key to meeting the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and their commitment to support MDG related policies and budgets is a main factor for countries to realistically achieve their national development goals and targets. Particular emphasis is made on the role of women parliamentarians who are often the natural champions for supporting social sector policies and programmes, and national development efforts.
 Goals related to health (MDGs 4, 5 and 6) and gender (MDG 3) remain most challenging in many countries, particularly in Asia, where it also requires massive infrastructure investments, systems strengthening and sustainable capacity development, and support to policy development and/or implementation, to ensure that they have an impact on poverty alleviation.
 Political instability, sheer population numbers, emerging issues such as HIV/AIDS, increasing urbanization and migration, socio-economic disparities, and gender inequalities continue to undermine MDG progress. And while access to basic health, including reproductive health, and other social services have improved in many countries, their quality remains poor and inadequate.
 Financing MDGs requires increased understanding of evidence based costing requirements, and improved financial planning and management to ensure effective distribution and utilization of often scarce resources for MDG based priorities. Most governments are still heavily reliant on external donor assistance, and sometimes, national budgets are not properly prioritized or utilized. National governance structures are also often lacking or weak, and many times ignores the potential role of civil society organizations in enhancing transparency and accountability.
We further acknowledge that immediate actions are needed to address the above mentioned concerns and challenges, in order to meet the following health and gender goals and the respective targets set forth under each of them:

• MDG3: Gender Equality: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015
• MDG 4 - Reduce Child Mortality: Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among children under five
• MDG 5 - Improve Maternal Health: Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio and achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health
• MDG 6 - Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases: Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS; achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it; and halt and begin to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases.

Thus, as participants to the Ulaanbaatar Conference, as Parliamentarians and Ministers, we commit ourselves to ensuring adequate attention and concrete policy actions and recommendations to ensure the following:

• Relevant support for MDG-consistent national development strategies, plans and budgets
• Evidence based costing requirements for financing MDGs
• Improved financial planning and management to ensure effective distribution and utilization of often scarce resources for MDG based priorities
• Enhancing the capacity of national logistical systems to deliver timely and quality health commodities, essential drugs and other supplies
• Transitioning from a heavy reliance on external donor assistance to greater self sufficiency within national budgets
• Strengthening governance structures and highlighting the role of civil society organizations in enhancing transparency and accountability
• Considering avenues for strengthening inter-country and regional cooperation.

Specifically, we commit to the following:

 MAINSTREAM gender equality in all MGDs!
 Ensure financial adequacy for MDG achievement, but also address better and more effective resource utilization according to strategic national priorities
 Establish necessary policies and institutional settings that are conducive for MDGs implementation
 Enhance budget reforms by introducing bottom-up approach, and ensuring sustainable financing through better aid coordination and more rational use of resources
 Ensure enacted laws and policies are implemented and funded.
 Fund programmes that are targeted to the poorest and most vulnerable populationg groups
 Encourage community based financing
 Review country reports on MDGs implementation and arrange its debate in Parliament
 Emphasis linkages of reproductive health, and family planning, antenatal care, maternal and newborn health care as basis to reduce poverty

 Examine the ratio of internal and external assistance for MDGs and monitor the implementation

 Refine country specific MDG targets

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